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"Economics of social justice" (student-authored opinion piece, written April 2015)

"In early April, Derreck Kayongo, a CNN Top 10 Hero of 2011 for his work with the Global Soap Project, which repurposes hotel soap to send to those who need it worldwide, came to SLU as part of the Fifteenth Sam and Marilyn Fox Atlas Week. He spoke at two different events: his keynote presentation on April 16 and at a coffee and conversation session on April 17. At both, he introduced a new perspective to social justice, of which SLU might be in need: business. I argue that adding a practical or even business-like approach to social justice issues could aid in its effectiveness, as well as increase the community connected to a social justice fight..."


"Women's and Gender Studies gains master's program, department status"

(staff news piece, written April 2015)

"With a handful of volunteer faculty members and a lot of perseverance, Saint Louis University’s women’s and gender studies program began as women’s studies 34 years ago. These volunteers took on additional work, with no added compensation, to start the program because they believed in the importance and value it could bring. Having grown significantly since then, women’s and gender studies will officially become a department at SLU on July 1, 2015..."

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